dr Dorota Wiśniewska - publikacje naukowe
“Supernatural Agents of the Unconscious Mind: Shakespeare’s Ghosts and Madmen”. Folia Litteraria UL, 2002.
“Anne Rice’s Human Vampires” . Post-conference volume: “Wokół gotycyzmów” ed. J. Płuciennik, maj 2002.
“Ritualistic Depositions in Shakespeare’s Richard II and Henry IV Part Two” in Folia Litteraria UL, 2007.
“Violence at an American Table: David Cronenberg’s A History of Violence” in Walking on a Trail of Words. Eds. Jadwiga Maszewska and Zbigniew Maszewski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2007.
The Missing District. People and Places of Jewish Łódź. Dorota Wiśniewska, John Crust. Tłumaczenie książki Pawła Spodenkiewicza “Zaginiona dzielnica”. Hobo, Łódź 2007.
“What’s Feeding the Beast? Some Perspectives on America’s Morbid Preoccupation with the Insane, Based on American Horror Films”. Cultural Representations of Psychiatry and Mental Illness, Akademia Świętokrzyska w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim, 2007.
˝A Beauty in Distress or the Attack of the 50ft. Woman? Some Perspectives on the Portrayal of Women in the American Horror Film”. Sites of Female Terror. En torno a la mujer y el terror. Estudios de Mujeres, Volumen VI. Universidad de Camplutense, Madryt 2007.
“My Humanisty is Only Skin Deep – The Monstrous Body, the Monstrous Self as Portrayed in American Horror Films” in Interiors: Interiority/ Exteriority in Literary and Cultural Discourse, eds. Sonia Front, Katarzyna Nowak, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.
“Transcended Bodies, Confused Genders: Some Perspectives on the Portrayal of Sexualities in American Slashers” in The Gothic: Exploring Critical Issues: (Got)h Sex. www.inter-disciplinary.net 2010.
“All Ketchum’s Ladies”. Online Journal of Snippets. American Literature Volume. Eds. Hubert Kowalewski, Julia Nikiel, Piotr Szczypa. June 2011.www.brief.umcs.eu/index.html
“The New Brides of Frankenstein: Reconstructed Femininity in American Horror Film” in Estudios de Mujeres. Volumen VII: Differences, (In)Equality and Justice. Eds. Ana Anton-Pacheco Bravo, Isabel Duran Gimenez-Rico, Carmen Mendez Garcia. Universidad Complutense, Madrid. 2011.
"Transgressive Sexualities as Portrayed in American Vampire Fiction and Splatter Film.” Participations and Assessments (2). Ed. Krzysztof Andrzejczak. SWSPiZ, Łódź 2011.